
Pancakes, Eggs, and Orange Juice: Does the Secret to Skincare Rest In Your Morning Drink?

If you’re like me and can’t start the day without a tangy, refreshing glass of orange juice, then you’re definitely not skimping on Vitamin C. Vitamin C has been revered as a treasured antioxidant capable of fighting off high blood pressure and the worst of diseases, but does it also affect your skin? Could the secret to glowing, youthful skin be lying in your glass of lots of pulp (or no pulp, if that’s your drink of choice) OJ?

Vitamin C is highly concentrated in both the epidermal outer layer and the inner dermal layer of your skin. The amount of Vitamin C in both layers is usually on par to other water-soluble antioxidants like uric acid, and in general, the amount of Vitamin C in your skin decreases with age. Vitamin C has been shown to play an important role in collagen synthesis and often assists in antioxidant protection against photo-damage caused by UV-rays.

Vitamin C facilitates the hydroxylation of collagen molecules. Hydroxylation is a chemical reaction that occurs within your body to add a hydroxyl group to collagen molecules, and is necessary to stabilize and support the epidermis. Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties are also instrumental in warding off free radicals introduced by UV light exposure. The additional consumption or topical application of Vitamin C can prevent cell apoptosis (a fancy word for cell death), as well as DNA-damage, and the release of proteins that encourage inflammation, all of which are caused by UV exposure.

Although there is not a solid conclusion about whether it is most effective to orally consume Vitamin C through informed dietary choices or supplements, or instead opt for topical applications, there is a general understanding that Vitamin C is good for your skin. It may not be a mystical solution to all your skin woes, but incorporating Vitamin C in some form into your daily routine would definitely not be a bad decision!