
Gimmick or Game-Changer? Superfoods and the Skin

If you’re like me – or really, if you’re like anybody else nowadays- you care about how you look. When it comes to skincare, there is no hiding those pimples and blackheads. As hard as you may try to cover it up with makeup, those skin villains will still be there and likely will be seen. So, what can you do about it? A potential answer to your problems: superfoods.

What you eat can have a direct impact on how you look, and the better you feel about yourself the higher your confidence and self-esteem. While superfoods are intended to be eaten, they are also prominently found in skincare products following the trend of consumers becoming much more aware of the ingredients they’re putting on their bodies. This is showcased all the way from avocado oil in moisturizers to quinoa in haircare. Moreover, leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and seaweed, are being used in some of the latest creams, serums, and oils to boost skin hydration. Who thought that these smoothie superstars would find their way in products smudged on your face? In fact, Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital says, ”Both kale and spinach are rich in a variety of potent antioxidants that help reduce skin inflammation.”

Furthermore, the list of benefits associated with superfoods is endless – but I’ll make it short and sweet! Here’s the breakdown:

Avocado Oil: (Pass the GUAC!) This is the perfect superfood for people with dry skin because it is high in fatty acids. This means that it keeps the skin looking firm, smooth, soft, and helps regenerate damaged skin cells all while reducing redness and irritation.

Kale: This delicious treat ((only when baked)) is also used to comfort and replenish dry skin. As a matter-of-fact, Kylie Jenner endorses products with kale ingredients like the Kale Fix Moisturiser, suggesting very profitable health.

Turmeric: This yellow root is much more powerful than a turmeric spice latte. It has several anti-inflammatory properties and when applied to the face (in a cream form, of course), it energizes and brightens dull skin. Turmeric contains curcumin, a quality that inhibits acne-causing bacteria on the skin, making it a superfood (or superspice?) that should not be underestimated. It can soothe painful cystic breakouts and calm redness!

Chia: Did you know that Chia is the Mayan word for ‘strength’? That’s because it is one of the most beneficial fatty acids that helps condition, hydrate, and maintain healthy moisture levels in the skin. Chia seed oil helps in anti-aging by reducing the appearance of fine lines, preventing wrinkles, and relieving dryness, thus leaving you with plumped and radiant skin! What’s more, is that it aids in the formation of collagen, providing support for your skin by helping the cells hold high moisture levels. The best part – this oil does not irritate sensitive skin!

Blueberries: This is by far one of the most widely researched superfood of all. While eating blueberries can fundamentally help you maintain good eye health, it is also a key ingredient to help combat free radicals that accelerate aging around the eyes. It is chock-full of Vitamin A and antioxidants to rid of aging skin factors and make you look and feel young.

Acai Oil: Seeps into the skin, protecting it against environmental irritants like smog, smoke, and dirt in the air.

So, are the impacts of superfoods in the skincare industry real, or is it all just a gimmick to lure consumers to open their wallets? While scientists are still not sure of the tangible, proven results that superfood extracts could reap in terms of skincare application, the qualities contained in the superfoods are promising. Thus, it couldn’t hurt to dabble with superfood serums and moisturizers here and there… it could well pay off in terms of improving one’s skin health.

Written by: Adi Tzadok